Prices and terms of wine delivery for web customers (Croatia i EU)

All prices quoted in the web shop are in Kuna, ex-warehouse Bolfan Vinski Vrh, with included deposit fee 0,07 €/bottle and with included VAT. Minimum order amount is 13,50 €. For buyers from Croatia and EU delivery is calculated automatically when drafting an order and in accordance with the delivery price list for EU and CRO (depending on the buyer’s location). Maximum quantity of wine for parcel delivery is 5 cases/30 bottles (40 kg). For orders bigger than 5 cases/30 bottles (40 kg) corresponding parcel delivery is organized, and delivery terms are agreed upon receiving the web order.

If the buyer is not located on the area of CRO or EU, terms of payment, shipping and delivery are agreed subsequently upon receiving the buyer’s web order.

Delivery price

*Croatia 6,50 € / package
Delivery date CRO: 24h


Area / (Kn/package) Amount € State - work day
1. area 30,00 Slovenija, Mađarska, Slovačka, Austrija, Rumunjska, Češka
2. area 38,00 Srbija, Poljska, Njemačka, Lichtenstein, Bugarska, Belgija, Nizozemska, Luksemburg
3. area 53,00 Italija, San Marino, Vatikan, Monako, Danska, Francuska (4-5), Irska
4. area 98,00 Švicarska, Velika Britanija, Litva, Latvija, Švedska, Estonija, Turska, Norveška,
Španjolska, Portugal, Cipar, Grčka, Malta, Finska, Andora, Gibraltar
EU Delivery Time: 2-7 business days depending on area.

All prices are in Kunas and include VAT. In the event of a change of delivery conditions, we reserve the right to correct prices and delivery conditions.