Historical legend

Throughout thousands of years in fewer or more intermittent intervals in this country, grape vines were brewed, tasted and sprouted with endless, playful wines. From the time of Roman Empire and Roman culture from the 2nd century AD remained are the legends and stories of the vineyards at the time and the Roman military station at the top of this hill.

In later years after Rome, many mediaeval feudal owners of the time exchanged in this area who left each one for themselves also look for grapes and vines.
About us

June 21, 2023

Tasting of ecological BOLFAN wines

The wine cellar is home to BOLFAN wines crowned with great medals at the strictest and one of the most prestigious international evaluations - the Decanter World Wine Awards. We offer you a presentation of wine with the possibility of a tour of the cellar with an expert presentation and tasting of cold meats or without.

Gift cards

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Picnic walks


This fairy tale has a beginning, but there is no end. Louise and Geza walked on the love paths along the promenade of our winery, and now it's up to you.

Find your bundle in our wineskin and go on love paths. Instructions for enjoyment are redundant, because happiness is so small: just a pint of sun, a piece of celestial blue, two flowers and a glass of wine...
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Kroz tisuće godina u manje ili više isprekidanim intervalima na ovoj zemlji uzgajala se vinova loza, kušala se i točila opojna, razigrana vina. Još iz doba Rimskog carstva i rimske kulture iz davnog 2. stoljeća ostale su Legende i priče o tadašnjim vinogradima i Rimskoj vojnoj postaji na vrhu ovog brijega.

U kasnijim godinama nakon Rima, na ovim prostorima izmjenjivali su se brojni tadašnji srednjovjekovni feudalni vlasnici, a koji su svaki za sebe ostavili traga i u uzgoju vinove loze i vina.

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